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2023 GameChangers EP25: Gregory Constantine
2023 GameChangers EP25: Gregory Constantine
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Emerging Leader category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Gregory Constantine

In this episode, you will meet Gregory Constantine, a Finalist in the Emerging Leader category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Gregory is an Australian tech entrepreneur whose pioneering technology company is re-imaging carbon dioxide utilisation, turning a problem into a solution for the planet.  As Co-founder/CEO of Air Company, Gregory is focused on converting greenhouse gases into valuable products, driving innovative solutions for decarbonisation. 

In this interview Gregory shares his enthusiasm for making a positive impact through solutions that address climate change, the biggest challenge facing humanity today. He details how important it is to have out-of-the-box thinkers in the organisation, believing diversity in background and skills allows for more creative and better solutions. Gregory’s enthusiasm for persistent problem solving and his advice around working on something meaningful makes for an uplifting listening experience.

2023 GameChangers EP24: Dr Jessie Christiansen
2023 GameChangers EP24: Dr Jessie Christiansen
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Emerging Leader category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Dr Jessie Christiansen

In this episode, you will meet Dr Jessie Christiansen, a finalist in the Emerging Leader category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Jessie is an accomplished Australian astrophysicist who spends her days hunting for new planets. As the lead scientist at the NASA Exoplanet Archive at the California Institute of Technology, Jessie’s research focuses on studying exoplanets, which are planets around other stars. She has published multiple exoplanet discoveries and co-authored discoveries on thousands more. 

In this inspiring interview Jessie shares her passion for discovery and how much she loves her job! She discusses the challenges of her research work and the obvious highlights in hunting down and finding another planet (or in her case, 60+!). Jessie’s enthusiasm for her work is infectious as she describes NASA’s next mission of creating the Habitable Worlds Observatory which will, through an incredibly large telescope, be able to see earth-like planets around other stars! Jessie also has very sound advice for school leavers.

2023 GameChangers EP23: Luke Petherbridge
2023 GameChangers EP23: Luke Petherbridge
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Corporate Leadership category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Luke Petherbridge

In this episode, you will meet Luke Petherbridge, a finalist in the Inspiring Corporate Leader category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Luke leads the largest operator of logistics real estate in the US and is catalysing innovation across logistics and supply chains. As CEO of Link Logistics, Luke oversees the largest US-focused warehouse and business park portfolio with a staggering 5% of America’s GDP flowing through their buildings. 

In this interview Luke shares how he fell into this career, rather than having planned it from the start and describes the very real challenges in his role in adapting to an ever-changing environment, particularly since the pandemic. Luke discusses how important diversity and inclusion is for thought leadership in an organisation and shares his passion for giving back, having established CoreGiving which is addressing childhood hunger in the US. 

2023 GameChangers EP22: Peter Osborne
2023 GameChangers EP22: Peter Osborne
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Corporate Leadership category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Peter Osborne

In this episode, you will meet Peter Osborne,a finalist in the Inspiring Corporate Leader category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Peter is a distinguished business leader and champion of Australian industry across Asia, supporting the growth of many now-global companies into the region over the past 30 years. A former trade diplomat-turned-corporate executive, Peter has spent the past three decades living and working in Asia. Combining decades of experience as a leader and advisor, with his deep commitment to philanthropy, Peter is an influential champion for economic and social partnerships in the region, driving positive change both in his business and charitable endeavours.

In this inspiring interview Peter tells us about his very interesting global career, foundation to which is the theme of kindness and compassion. Peter believes at the end of your career people will not necessarily remember the profit you bought to the company but how you treated people around you and looked after your team. He also shares his challenges and highlights, along with discussing how failure and battle scars are opportunities for rich learning.

2023 GameChangers EP21: Dr Sri (Fitri) Safitri
2023 GameChangers EP21: Dr Sri (Fitri) Safitri
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Alumni category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Dr Sri (Fitri) Safitri

In this episode, you will meet Dr Sri (Fitri) Safitri, a finalist in the Alumni category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Fitri is a digital transformation trailblazer, whose passion for customer experience and education has driven technology advancements impacting the lives of millions of people across Indonesia. For more than 20 years, Fitri has been working at the forefront of Indonesia’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, helping to develop the digital ecosystem and platforms across the country. 

In this interview Fitri shares her passion for helping learners – students and professionals alike – to upskill and reskill for better positions through an online educational platform. She shares how her experience as a note-taker for a student requiring assistance ignited her passion for ensuring the opportunity and transforming power of education is available to all. Fitri also details the challenges and highlights in her role and has sound advice for young people looking to work in this area.

2023 GameChangers EP20: Anan Bouapha
2023 GameChangers EP20: Anan Bouapha
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Alumni category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Anan Bouapha

In this episode, you will meet Anan Bouapha, a finalist in the Alumni category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Anan is an internationally renowned human rights leader, and the founder of Laos’ first LGBTQI rights organisation. As founder of Proud To Be Us Laos, Anan is dedicated to promoting equal rights for people within sexual and gender diversity communities. He is referred by the HuffingtonPost as the leader of the country’s nascent LGBTQI movement, working to integrate LGBTQI rights into national development, tackling the cultural, legal and normative barriers facing the community. 

In this heartwarming interview Anan shares his journey to reaching this significant milestone in Laos.  He describes the ongoing challenges he faces in his work and how important the collaboration with Australia is. Anan’s unwaivering passion for LGBTQI rights has seen him travel to the USA, Paris and London, to undertake studies and immerse himself in new approaches, with these experiences helping to hone his focus on working in solidarity to build relationships and trust for a better society and future.

2023 GameChangers EP19: Dr Stefania Peracchi
2023 GameChangers EP19: Dr Stefania Peracchi
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Global Talent category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Dr Stefania Peracchi

In this episode, you will meet Dr Stefania Peracchi, a finalist in Global Talent for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Stefania is a nuclear physicist and engineer working at the cutting edge of international space research. As an Accelerator Beamline Scientist at the Centre for Accelerator Science of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Stefania is using precision ion irradiations through powerful particle accelerators to investigate the effects of space radiation on microelectronics, shielding materials, and the human body. 

In this interview Stefania describes the work she does in simple terms to help us understand how important this research is in understanding what happens when humans go to space. Stefania also shares how this research can benefit us on earth in our understanding of the treatment of certain cancers and diseases. With a global career journey, Stefania shares with us how different experiences have influenced her creative approach to finding solutions with minimal resources. 

2023 GameChangers EP18: Dr Nasir Mahmood
2023 GameChangers EP18: Dr Nasir Mahmood
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Global Talent category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Dr Nasir Mahmood

In this episode, you will meet Dr Nasir Mahmood, a finalist in Global Talent for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Nasir is a world-leading materials engineer, working at the frontline of scientific discovery and research into clean energy solutions. As a Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University in Melbourne, Nasir is leading a body of research into innovative new ways to leverage advanced materials for a sustainable, clean-energy future. In early 2023, Nasir and his team announced a major breakthrough on the road to creating a truly viable green hydrogen industry, by developing a cheaper and more energy-efficient way to make hydrogen directly from seawater. The new method developed by Nasir and his team splits the seawater directly into hydrogen and oxygen – skipping the need for desalination and its associated cost, energy consumption and carbon emissions. 

In this interview, Nasir shares where his global journey has taken him, along with the challenges involved with taking an idea from theory to practice.  The successful new method of creating green hydrogen, which took Nasir and his team about 7-8 years to develop, was a significant highlight which he believes helps to carry the team through the challenges that they face in commercialising this method to the benefit of society.

Nasir’s passion for creating a cleaner, greener future also extends to researching solutions into capturing the microplastics that pollute bodies of water. Listen to this inspiring interview for more.

2023 GameChangers EP17: Stuart Skelton
2023 GameChangers EP17: Stuart Skelton
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Creative Excellence category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Stuart Skelton

In this episode, you will meet Stuart Skelton, a finalist in the Creative Excellence category for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Stuart is a grammy-nominated operatic powerhouse, who has been captivating audiences for more than 20 years as one of the world’s finest heldentenors. Winner of the 2014 International Opera Awards Male Singer of the Year, Stuart has been critically acclaimed for his outstanding musicianship, tonal beauty and his intensely dramatic portrayals in performances on the leading concert and operatic stages of the world. 

In this interview, Stuart shares with us what “a day in the life of…” looks like when he’s performing and when he’s at home, along with insights into his love for this particular genre of music. Stuart also describes his journey to achieving fluency in French, German, Italian, and Spanish and how that supports his performances. His open and humorous style makes this an inspiring and insightful listening experience.

2023 GameChangers EP16: Elliot Kotek
2023 GameChangers EP16: Elliot Kotek
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Creative Excellence category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Elliot Kotek

In this episode, you will meet Elliot Kotek, a finalist in the Creative Excellence category for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Elliot is a global creative arts leader, whose hunger for innovation and impact drives his groundbreaking approach to storytelling and content creation. Based in Los Angeles, Elliot is Founder and CEO of award-winning production company The Nation of Artists, a multi-media studio that works collaboratively to produce high-impact content ranging from documentaries to animations and virtual reality. Over the past 15 years, Elliot’s work has generated more than 7 billion media impressions and been honoured with more than 50 international awards, including an Emmy and 5 Cannes Lions awards.

In this interview, Elliot shares his journey from a double degree in Science and Law at Monash University to enrolling in theatre school in New York and then working in journalism. Elliot describes how the questions he asked in interviews related to meaningfulness and purpose, which led him to explore these topics in depth. Out of this came the focus of creating impact through ideas and empathy. Elliot’s inspiration is to change the world through various forms of storytelling, with whatever has the greatest reach and creates the most impact.

2023 GameChangers EP15: Annette Young
2023 GameChangers EP15: Annette Young
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Social Impact category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Annette Young

In this episode, you will meet Annette Young, a finalist in Social Impact for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Annette is an award-winning journalist and television news presenter, dedicated to shining the spotlight on the stories of women who are reshaping the world. As the creator, producer and host of France 24’s unique current affairs program ‘The 51 Percent’, Annette has developed a global platform to showcase stories about gender equality from an intentionally feminist lens. 

In this interview, Annette shares with us the very global life and career she has experienced. Her enthusiasm for promoting the voices of those who would not normally be heard is clear in the many examples of stories that she shares with us. Annette is passionate, generous and open about her work and its important role in educating and influencing thinking around the role of women in our societies.

2023 GameChangers EP14: Andrew Quilty
2023 GameChangers EP14: Andrew Quilty
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Social Impact category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Andrew Quilty

In this episode, you will meet Andrew Quilty, a finalist in Social Impact for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Andrew is an impressive multi award-winning photographer and journalist who spent a decade documenting the impact of war on the lives of civilians across Afghanistan. Andrew travelled to two thirds of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces, documenting the country through pictures and the written word, shedding light on the rich and often untold stories of people and places at the centre of a global conflict zone.

In this in-depth interview Andrew shares the challenges and ethical considerations of photojournalism in war and how, over his time in Aghanistan, his focus really honed in on the underdogs of war. Andrew describes how he sees himself as a conduit between the photographed scene happening in a far away place and the viewer seeing his work perhaps over their breakfast, aiming to evoke an emotional response.

Andrew is the recipient of nine Walkley Awards, including Australia’s highest journalism accolade, the Gold Walkley, which he received in 2016 for his powerful photojournalism piece, ‘The Man on the Operating Table’.  Andrew generously shares this story with us and the impact that experience had on him personally and his work. What an honour it was to hear his story.

2023 GameChangers EP13: Iris Lun
2023 GameChangers EP13: Iris Lun
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Technology & Entrepreneurship category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Iris Lun

In this episode, you will meet Iris Lun, a finalist in Technology & Entrepreneurship for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Iris is an actuary-turned entrepreneur who has channelled her passion for data and technology into providing greater transparency and fairness across the insurance industry.

With 20 years of international experience in the insurance industry across Australia, Asia and Europe, she honed her skills as a consultant for life insurers, before eventually co-founding insurtech venture 10Life – a game-changing insurance product rating system that promotes transparency and helps people find the right coverage at the best price.

In this interview, Iris shares the highlights of her global career and how it ultimately led to starting her start her own business. With a focus on ethics and simplifying information for the consumer, Iris’s skills, experience, dedication and the support of keen investors, have all contributed to her success.

Importantly, Iris has some excellent advice for budding entrepreneurs, no matter what your area of focus might be.

2023 GameChangers EP12: Peter Hazlehurst
2023 GameChangers EP12: Peter Hazlehurst
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Technology & Entrepreneurship category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Peter Hazlerhurst

In this episode, you will meet Peter Hazlehurst, a finalist in Technology & Entrepreneurship for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Peter is a global fintech entrepreneur and investor who has spent 30 years leading and building tech companies in the heart of Silicon Valley. His career has spanned from startups to big tech, harnessing his passion for building new technology, growing great teams and finding new ways of doing business.

In this interview, Peter shares the details of his international career and experience, along with his great enthusiasm for people and the sharing of ideas.  Peter describes the unique culture of Silicon Valley and its impact on those working there, giving us insight into his leadership, openness and drive to work with interesting people on new and innovative ideas.

2023 GameChangers EP11: Fa’aso’otauloa Sam Saili
2023 GameChangers EP11: Fa’aso’otauloa Sam Saili
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Indo-Pacific Impact category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Fa’aso’otauloa Sam Saili

In this episode, you will meet Fa’aso’otauloa Sam Saili, a finalist in Indo-Pacific Impact for the Global Australian Awards in 2023. Sam is a seasoned technology expert and community leader driving digital transformation across the Pacific. With nearly 30 years of experience in the ICT sector, Sam co-founded SkyEye Pacific, designed to enable even the most grass-roots vendors to partake in the global digital economy. A fellow of RSA and a two-time Samoa Observer People of the Year awardee, Sam is reshaping tech adoption with a strong community focus.

In this interview, Sam shares how a strong community focus and the ability to really listen and walk in someone else’s shoes has motivated him and the team at SkyEye. He is delighted to be creating opportunities for individuals and communities in the region to be part of the digital economy.

2023 GameChangers EP10: Dr Catherine Lee
2023 GameChangers EP10: Dr Catherine Lee
Global Australian Podcast

Finalist in the Indo-Pacific Impact category of the Global Australian Awards in 2023 - Dr Catherine Lee

In this episode, you will meet Dr Catherine Lee, a finalist in the Indo-Pacific Impact category of the Global Australian Awards 2023. Catherine is a distinguished craniofacial orthodontist who is dedicated to changing the lives of underprivileged children with cleft and craniofacial conditions across Asia. Catherine aims to establish a lasting global model for cleft care humanitarian efforts, collaborating and sharing knowledge to impact underserved areas worldwide.

In this interview, Catherine shares her global journey and her calling for this work that has such a profound transformative impact on the lives of her patients and their families. Catherine’s commitment and skill in treating these individuals is an inspiration.