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The Advance Global Australians Patron is the Prime Minister of Australia. The Australian Government has seen the enormous potential in our diaspora for soft power and economic links around the world. Our Patrons share a commitment to the Australian diaspora and the work of Advance Global Australians.

The Hon. Anthony Albanes

The Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, Australia’s 31th Prime Minister

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP was sworn in as the 31st Prime Minister of Australia on 23 May 2022. Mr Albanese was elected to Federal Parliament as the Member for Grayndler in 1996.

The Hon. Scott Morrison

The Hon. Scott Morrison MP, Australia’s 30th Prime Minister

“Overseas Australians are connected by common aspirations and achievements which is what Advance is all about. So it’s terrific that the Awards allow us to celebrate some of our remarkable expats who are making a vital contribution in so many places around the world.”

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s 29th Prime Minister

“A million adventurous, enterprising, creative, innovative, competitive Australians right around the world… The important thing is to harness this smart grid of human capital and we’re doing that. Advance harnesses that enormous smart grid of human capital; our diaspora… It was an historic achievement to set up Advance… The strides that Advance has made are extraordinary… It will be a key element in our nation’s very bright future.” 

                                      Mr Turnbull also encourages global Australians to join the Advance Awards Celebration.

The Hon. Tony Abbott

The Hon. Tony Abbott, Australia’s 28th Prime Minister

“The Advance community reflects two fundamental characteristics of Australians that are deep in our DNA… The commitment to a ‘fair go’; and the determination to ‘have a go’. Advance brings together and embodies the best of Australian talent who have gravitated to compete and do their best on the world stage.”

The Hon. Julia Gillard

The Hon. Julia Gillard, Australia’s 27th Prime Minister

“The Advance network brings together an amazing array of distinguished and rising Australians … In our globalised world, strong and productive networks with our fellow Australians will underpin our continued growth and prosperity, leveraging our skills and knowledge to promote our nation and its achievements to the wider world.”

The Hon. Kevin Rudd

The Hon. Kevin Rudd AC, Australia’s 26th Prime Minister

“Many Australian professionals working overseas for extended periods are doing so because their talents are highly prized by international companies… Advance has forged an impressive role for itself in bringing these talented global Australians together and channelling their energies into the promotion of Australia.”

The Hon. John Howard

The Hon. John Howard OM AC SSI Australia’s 25th Prime Minister

Prime Minister Howard famously observed:

“Our greatest exports are not of course iron ore important though that is, or tourism important though that is, wheat, coal and all the other things that we export….our greatest exports are our people.  There are a million of you dotted around the world, saving lives, inventing things, being at the forefront of information technology”    

                                      “The concept of Advance is really quite superb. What it does is to challenge in the most emphatic way, that                                           rather silly notion that in some way Australia is diminished by some of the brightest and the best of our                                                 country going overseas and making an enormous contribution to the societies and the economies of other                                             parts of the world.”


The establishment of Advance Global Australians was made possible by the generosity and vision of our Founding Patrons.


Anthony Pratt

Executive Chairman, Visy Industries
Executive Chairman, Pratt Industries


Lachlan Murdoch

Executive Chairman of Nova Entertainment
Co-chairman of News Corp
Executive chairman and CEO of Fox Corporation
Founder of Australian investment company Illyria Pty Ltd
Director of Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art


Peter Lowy

Principal of The Lowy Family Group


We invite you to join us on this important journey. Here are some of the ways you and your organisation can become involved.


Government Partners

The Commonwealth Government is our major government partner and we thank them for their ongoing support. All local and state governments are invited to join the Australian government in connecting with global Australians around the world. To find out how we can support your specific programs, please contact us here.



We thank our Partners and their valuable support to help us uncover and celebrate global Australians who exhibit remarkable talent, exceptional vision and ambition at the annual Global Australian Awards. You can partner with us for the Awards and increase your profile as a supporter of global Australians. Please contact us here.



We thank our global family of donors including our Founding Patron Anthony Pratt and Lord Michael Hintze AM - Australia has been blessed with brilliant leaders. As a donor, you are able to join these leaders to inspire the next generation of Australian leaders by supporting the work of To find out more, please contact us here.



You are invited to join thousands of global Australians who are members of Advance. Members are invited to events around the world, have prime access to our programs, and receive resources and inspiration to support their professional journey overseas. Membership is free!