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Advance Global Australians spokespeople are available for interviews. Members of the media are invited to get in touch with our team by emailing: 



Overview & Background

Advance Global Australians is a not-for-profit and bi-partisan organisation advancing our nation by connecting, empowering and championing Australian people, expertise and culture globally for the benefit of all. Since its founding in 2002, Advance has grown to serve 70,000 members globally and provide services, events and valuable opportunities to Australian expats, that has enriched Australia’s greatest national resource: our people.

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Images from our announcements, events, initiatives and programs are available

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Global Australian Report

Australians living overseas are active across all aspects of international life, including in business, politics, the judiciary, government, civil society, academia, science, the arts and sport. However, many say they feel unseen, unheard and misunderstood. The Global Australian Report examines key issues facing those living overseas and informs policy debate.

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The Advance Global Australian Board of Directors is led by Chairman Andrew Low. The Board is made up of accomplished and respected leaders in their field with global experience. They volunteer their time in service of the national interest.

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Advance Global Australians Ambassadors kindly volunteer their time to help expatriate Australians overseas.  Located across the USA, UK, UAE, Singapore, Portugal, Japan, Italy, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Cambodia, China and Australia - the Ambassadors provide insights and assist with the delivery of our programs. Ambassadors also provide a local point of contact for our members & partners.

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Global Australian Foundation

Established in 2024, the charity's purpose is to remove barriers facing those who are financially, socially and physically disadvantaged. Unlocking opportunity by raising the funds needed to take their culturally significant & globally impactful works to the world.  

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Global Australian Awards

The Global Australian Awards recognises global Australians – including Australians living and working overseas, international alumni of Australian universities, and recent migrants to Australia.  Highlighting and honouring the accomplishments of remarkable global Australians who are leading innovation in their areas & making a significant impact worldwide.

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Listen to podcasts with Australians across the globe.



Watch video interviews of Global Australian Award winners & finalists from across the globe
