Tips & Advice

Want to work overseas? Here’s some advice from our community members

Written by Advance Global Australians | Jun 13, 2024 3:32:20 AM

Getting Started

Don’t be afraid, be adventurous but plan well.

Don’t be vague or naive in stating what you are looking for. You must be clear and articulate in stating what you want to do, and where. Understand the market you want to enter (e.g. Financial Services in London), research key vacancies/trends/skills demands for that sector (e.g. need for digital marketing experts in Insurance) and then tailor your CVs / opening pitch to suit it. Simply saying “I want to work in London” won’t cut it anymore.

If you are early in your career, continuing education at an overseas university is a great way to start your overseas journey.

Seek out companies with established or emerging international offices – then ensure you’re in the pipeline of employees to spend time in those international locations.

Location, Location, Location

Your choice of where to work should be first and foremost based on the type and quality of the work itself. Location matters, but it should not be your primary decision-making criterion: that’s what holidays are for.

Choose to work where you also see the potential for new adventures on the personal side.

Choose to live somewhere you like or have an affinity to; don’t just go wherever you get a job.  

Cultural Awareness 

GO! Take the risk as you will be rewarded in ways you do not expect. But before you go, take some cross-cultural training so you have a mental framework to compare and contrast differences in cultural tendencies when you engage cross-culturally.

Spend time learning about that culture, even if you think you know the culture of the place you’re moving to.

Setting In

Volunteer with the local Australian chamber or community group to showcase your skills and make connections.