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Meet Board Member: Joseph Kwok

Written by Advance Global Australians | Aug 15, 2024 3:34:03 AM

Advance Global Australians Board Member, Joseph Kwok has navigated life across continents while embodying the values and spirit of Australia.

An alumni of the University of New South Wales, Joseph believes he has benefited greatly from his Australian education and gives back by volunteering and contributing to the Australian diaspora in Singapore and Southeast Asia.

This conversation offers a glimpse into his personal experiences, professional achievements, and the deep connection he holds with Australian culture and characteristics, while living abroad.

By telling the stories of Global Australians, we hope to better understand each other, build meaningful connections and celebrate the unique contributions Australians make on the world stage.


Tell us a bit about yourself - where did you grow up and your journey to where you are today?

I was born in Singapore where I spent the earlier part of my life. I came to Sydney in 1994 to study at the University of New South Wales and graduated with a Master of Commerce degree in 1998.

While doing my Masters, I was hired by Westpac Investment Bank as a management trainee and was sent to Westpac Singapore in 1999. Thereafter, I started a career in the banking and finance industry for 25 years.

How did you become involved with Advance Global Australians?

I was the President of Australian Alumni Singapore from 2018 to 2020 and was invited to become a member of Advance Asian Advisory Council in 2019 by then Advance Director, Ms Michelle Garnaut. I have since deepened by involvement by becoming one of the judges of the Global Australian Awards and then a director on the board.

What motivates you to be part of Advance Global Australians?

I have benefited from a great Australian education that allows me to excel in my career. I was also appreciative of being granted Australian Permanent Residency in 2022 so that I could spend time in the lucky country.  As such, I have a sense of duty to give back and Advance is a great platform for me to contribute to the Australian diaspora in Singapore and Southeast Asia.


What does being a Global Australian mean to you personally?

To me being a Global Australian means to be someone that exhibits the Australian spirit in whichever country the person is in.An Australian is real and exhibits characteristics like mate-ship, love of freedom and democracy, endurance, ingenuity, teamwork, courage and resilience.

Can you share an example of how you’ve seen the impact of Global Australians in the world?

I have dealt with many Australians throughout my career and one Global Australian whom I came across when I was working in Standard Chartered Bank Singapore was my ex-boss, Peter Flavel, who showed me true leadership and resilience. He is real and took time to understand his employees and the issues they faced.  From him, I learnt many important trails of leadership that helped me grow in my professional career. He was last known to Head Coutts Private Bank, managing the wealth of the British royal family.


In what ways do you believe Global Australians can contribute to Australia's growth and positioning on the world stage?

There are millions of Australians working all over the world doing great things. Through their interactions with people all over the world, the rest of the world will get to know how great a country Australia is and the spirit most Global Australians exhibit. As a result, these people will perhaps look to invest or move to Australia. Through such soft power of Global Australians, Australia will be able to receive talents and investments globally.

What are some of your favourite aspects of Australian culture and lifestyle?

Coffee in Australia is one of the best and every café offers a superb cappuccino. Other than coffee, Australia offers a wide range of diverse food reflecting its multi-culturalism that came from millions of immigrants who moved there for a good life. The great weather also allows one to enjoy outdoor barbeques frequently and drinking wine outdoor is certainly much more bearable compared to Singapore!

How do you stay connected to Australian traditions while living abroad?

Keeping in touch with major news in Australia helps me stay connected. I also have a few good Australian mates, and I frequently attend events organised by Australian Alumni Singapore and Australia Chamber of Commerce to maintain the Aussie in me.


What is a moment in your life or career that you are most proud of as an Australian abroad? How did this moment shape your identity as a Global Australian?

Whenever I attend the celebration of Australia Day, it gives me a sense of pride on what a great country Australia. The food served during such events shows the uniqueness of the country’s culture. And standing among many Global Australians makes me feel like I am not alone and there are always mates globally one can count on.


In what ways has your international experience influenced your view of Australia?

Having left Australia and moved back to Singapore and Asia for my career lets me appreciate the great quality of life that Australia offers.

Asia is a fast-growing region which Australia should be aligned with for its economic growth, but the pace of life in Asia is hectic due to the intense competition and the mentality of pursuing economic growth at any costs. And looking back when I first started my career in Sydney, although the work is intense, I was still able to enjoy work-life balance.

How has it affected your understanding of what it means to be Australian?

Being Australian means having a balanced life and for one to work hard but also be able to enjoy life. It is important to not just have material wealth but also spiritual wealth so one is not lost in the purse of the ‘good’ life.


What advice would you give to Australians looking to go global?

Go for it! The world should be every Australian’s oyster as the experience will make one appreciate the great life in Australia. Learning to work and live in another culture will also allow Australians to appreciate the multi-culturalism back home which is unique and not seen in most parts of the world.

What tips would you offer to Australians considering working or living abroad?

Do your research on the country and try to understand the local culture before heading over. It will probably be good to make a friend when one reaches the country who can share the experience of working and living abroad.

Join Advance Global Australians and your local Australian association to build a network in the country but also blend into the local culture by participating in activities that locals do so that one can truly understand it.

How can they best prepare for the challenges and opportunities of being a Global Australian?

Keep an open mindset and don’t let whatever prejudice that you had affect your judgement. Always maintain the Australian spirit and let it shine wherever you go so that people of the world will know what a great country Australia is.



What future opportunities do you see for Global Australians?

Plenty, as globalisation will continue despite the geo-political situation as people globally want to know and experience people from different cultures.

Australians can use their expertise and experience to help make the world a better place and solve many of the teething issues the world is facing today.

As well as a Board Member, Joseph Kwok is an Asia Advisory Committee Member and Global Australian Awards Panel Member. 

  Joseph Kwok